Unicode - Basic Latin (U+00000 - U+0007F)
SymbolHTML CodeHTML entity nameUnicodeDescription
 �-U+00000Null (NUL)
 -U+00001Start of heading (SOH)
 -U+00002Start of text (STX)
 -U+00003End of text (ETX)
 -U+00004End of transmission (EOT)
 -U+00005Enquiry (ENQ)
 -U+00006Acknowledge (ACK)
 -U+00007Bell (audible signal) (BEL)
 -U+00008Backspace (BS)
 		U+00009Horizontal tab

U+0000ALine feed, New line (LF, NL)
 -U+0000BVertical tab (VT)
 -U+0000CForm feed (FF)
-U+0000DCarriage return (CR)
 -U+0000EShift out (SO)
 -U+0000FShift in (SI)
 -U+00010Data link escape (DLE)
 -U+00011Device control 1 (DC1)
 -U+00012Device control 2 (DC2)
 -U+00013Device control 3 (DC3)
 -U+00014Device control 4 (DC4)
 -U+00015Negative acknowledge (NAK)
 -U+00016Synchronous idle (SYN)
 -U+00017End of transmission block (ETB)
 -U+00018Cancel (CAN)
 -U+00019End of medium (EM)
 -U+0001ASubstitute (SUB)
 -U+0001BEscape (ESC)
 -U+0001CFile separator (FS)
 -U+0001DGroup separator (GS)
 -U+0001ERecord separator (RS)
 -U+0001FUnit separator (US)
!!!U+00021Exclamation mark
"""U+00022Quotation mark
###U+00023Number sign
$$$U+00024Dollar sign
%%%U+00025Percent sign
(((U+00028Left parenthesis
)))U+00029Right parenthesis
+++U+0002BPlus sign
...U+0002EFull stop
00-U+00030Digit zero
11-U+00031Digit one
22-U+00032Digit two
33-U+00033Digit three
44-U+00034Digit four
55-U+00035Digit five
66-U+00036Digit six
77-U+00037Digit seven
88-U+00038Digit eight
99-U+00039Digit nine
<&#60;&lt;U+0003CLess-than sign
=&#61;&equals;U+0003DEquals sign
>&#62;&gt;U+0003EGreater-than sign
?&#63;&quest;U+0003FQuestion mark
@&#64;&commat;U+00040Commercial at sign
A&#65;-U+00041Upper case A
B&#66;-U+00042Upper case B
C&#67;-U+00043Upper case C
D&#68;-U+00044Upper case D
E&#69;-U+00045Upper case E
F&#70;-U+00046Upper case F
G&#71;-U+00047Upper case G
H&#72;-U+00048Upper case H
I&#73;-U+00049Upper case I
J&#74;-U+0004AUpper case J
K&#75;-U+0004BUpper case K
L&#76;-U+0004CUpper case L
M&#77;-U+0004DUpper case M
N&#78;-U+0004EUpper case N
O&#79;-U+0004FUpper case O
P&#80;-U+00050Upper case P
Q&#81;-U+00051Upper case Q
R&#82;-U+00052Upper case R
S&#83;-U+00053Upper case S
T&#84;-U+00054Upper case T
U&#85;-U+00055Upper case U
V&#86;-U+00056Upper case V
W&#87;-U+00057Upper case W
X&#88;-U+00058Upper case X
Y&#89;-U+00059Upper case Y
Z&#90;-U+0005AUpper case Z
[&#91;&lsqb;U+0005BLeft square bracket
\&#92;&bsol;U+0005CReverse solidus
]&#93;&rsqb;U+0005DRight square bracket
^&#94;&Hat;U+0005ECircumflex accent
_&#95;&lowbar;U+0005FLow line
`&#96;&grave;U+00060Grave accent
a&#97;-U+00061Lower case A
b&#98;-U+00062Lower case B
c&#99;-U+00063Lower case C
d&#100;-U+00064Lower case D
e&101;-U+00065Lower case E
f&#102;-U+00066Lower case F
g&#103;-U+00067Lower case G
h&#104;-U+00068Lower case H
i&#105;-U+00069Lower case I
j&#106;-U+0006ALower case J
k&#107;-U+0006BLower case K
l&#108;-U+0006CLower case L
m&#109;-U+0006DLower case M
n&#110;-U+0006ELower case N
o&#111;-U+0006FLower case O
p&#112;-U+00070Lower case P
q&#113;-U+00071Lower case Q
r&#114;-U+00072Lower case R
s&#115;-U+00073Lower case S
t&#116;-U+00074Lower case T
u&#117;-U+00075Lower case U
v&#118;-U+00076Lower case V
w&#119;-U+00077Lower case W
x&#120;-U+00078Lower case X
y&#121;-U+00079Lower case Y
z&#122;-U+0007ALower case Z
{&#123;&lbrace;U+0007BOpening brace
|&#124;&verbar;U+0007CVertical line
}&#125;&rbrace;U+0007DClosing brace
 &#127;-U+0007FDelete (DEL)