Unicode - Latin Extended-A (U+00100 - U+0017F)
SymbolHTML CodeHTML entity nameUnicodeDescription
Ā&256;ĀU+00100Latin capital letter A with macron
ā&257;āU+00101Latin small letter A with macron
Ă&258;ĂU+00102Latin capital letter A with breve
ă&259;ăU+00103Latin small letter A with breve
Ą&260;ĄU+00104Latin capital letter A with ogonek
ą&261;ąU+00105Latin small letter A with ogonek
Ć&262;ĆU+00106Latin capital letter C with acute
ć&263;ćU+00107Latin small letter C with acute
Ĉ&264;ĈU+00108Latin capital letter C with circumflex
ĉ&265;ĉU+00109Latin small letter C with circumflex
Ċ&266;ĊU+0010ALatin capital letter C with dot above
ċ&267;ċU+0010BLatin small letter C with dot above
Č&268;ČU+0010CLatin capital letter C with caron
č&269;čU+0010DLatin small letter C with caron
Ď&270;ĎU+0010ELatin capital letter D with caron
ď&271;ďU+0010FLatin small letter D with caron
Đ&272;ĐU+00110Latin capital letter D with stroke
đ&273;đU+00111Latin small letter D with stroke
Ē&274;ĒU+00112Latin capital letter E with macron
ē&275;ēU+00113Latin small letter E with macron
Ĕ&276;-U+00114Latin Capital letter E with breve
ĕ&277;-U+00115Latin Small letter E with breve
Ė&278;ĖU+00116Latin capital letter E with dot above
ė&279;ėU+00117Latin small letter E with dot above
Ę&280;ĘU+00118Latin capital letter E with ogonek
ę&281;ęU+00119Latin small letter E with ogonek
Ě&282;ĚU+0011ALatin capital letter E with caron
ě&283;ěU+0011BLatin small letter E with caron
Ĝ&284;ĜU+0011CLatin capital letter G with circumflex
ĝ&285;ĝU+0011DLatin small letter G with circumflex
Ğ&286;ĞU+0011ELatin capital letter G with breve
ğ&287;ğU+0011FLatin small letter G with breve
Ġ&288;ĠU+00120Latin capital letter G with dot above
ġ&289;ġU+00121Latin small letter G with dot above
Ģ&290;ĢU+00122Latin capital letter G with cedilla
ģ&291;-U+00123Latin Small letter G with cedilla
Ĥ&292;ĤU+00124Latin capital letter H with circumflex
ĥ&293;ĥU+00125Latin small letter H with circumflex
Ħ&294;ĦU+00126Latin capital letter H with stroke
ħ&295;ħU+00127Latin small letter H with stroke
Ĩ&296;ĨU+00128Latin capital letter I with tilde
ĩ&297;ĩU+00129Latin small letter I with tilde
Ī&298;ĪU+0012ALatin capital letter I with macron
ī&299;īU+0012BLatin small letter I with macron
Ĭ&300;-U+0012CLatin Capital letter I with breve
ĭ&301;-U+0012DLatin Small letter I with breve
Į&302;ĮU+0012ELatin capital letter I with ogonek
į&303;įU+0012FLatin small letter I with ogonek
İ&304;İU+00130Latin capital letter I with dot above
ı&305;ıU+00131Latin small letter dotless i
IJ&306;IJU+00132Latin capital ligature IJ
ij&307;ijU+00133Latin small ligature ij
Ĵ&308;ĴU+00134Latin capital letter J with circumflex
ĵ&309;ĵU+00135Latin small letter J with circumflex
Ķ&310;ĶU+00136Latin capital letter K with cedilla
ķ&311;ķU+00137Latin small letter K with cedilla
ĸ&312;ĸU+00138Latin small letter kra
Ĺ&313;ĹU+00139Latin capital letter L with acute
ĺ&314;ĺU+0013ALatin small letter L with acute
Ļ&315;ĻU+0013BLatin capital letter L with cedilla
ļ&316;ļU+0013CLatin small letter L with cedilla
Ľ&317;ĽU+0013DLatin capital letter L with caron
ľ&318;ľU+0013ELatin small letter L with caron
Ŀ&319;ĿU+0013FLatin capital letter L with middle dot
ŀ&320;ŀU+00140Latin small letter L with middle dot
Ł&321;ŁU+00141Latin capital letter L with stroke
ł&322;łU+00142Latin small letter L with stroke
Ń&323;ŃU+00143Latin capital letter N with acute
ń&324;ńU+00144Latin small letter N with acute
Ņ&325;ŅU+00145Latin capital letter N with cedilla
ņ&326;ņU+00146Latin small letter N with cedilla
Ň&327;ŇU+00147Latin capital letter N with caron
ň&328;ňU+00148Latin small letter N with caron
ʼn&329;ʼnU+00149Latin small letter N preceded by apostrophe
Ŋ&330;ŊU+0014ALatin capital letter ENG
ŋ&331;ŋU+0014BLatin small letter eng
Ō&332;ŌU+0014CLatin capital letter O with macron
ō&333;ōU+0014DLatin small letter O with macron
Ŏ&334;-U+0014ELatin capital letter O with breve
ŏ&335;-U+0014FLatin small letter O with breve
Ő&336;ŐU+00150Latin capital letter O with double acute
ő&337;őU+00151Latin small letter O with double acute
Œ&338;ŒU+00152Latin capital ligature OE
œ&339;œU+00153Latin small ligature oe
Ŕ&340;ŔU+00154Latin capital letter R with acute
ŕ&341;ŕU+00155Latin small letter R with acute
Ŗ&342;ŖU+00156Latin capital letter R with cedilla
ŗ&343;ŗU+00157Latin small letter R with cedilla
Ř&344;ŘU+00158Latin capital letter R with caron
ř&345;řU+00159Latin small letter R with caron
Ś&346;ŚU+0015ALatin capital letter S with acute
ś&347;śU+0015BLatin small letter S with acute
Ŝ&348;ŜU+0015CLatin capital letter S with circumflex
ŝ&349;ŝU+0015DLatin small letter S with circumflex
Ş&350;ŞU+0015ELatin capital letter S with cedilla
ş&351;şU+0015FLatin small letter S with cedilla
Š&352;ŠU+00160Latin capital letter S with caron
š&353;šU+00161Latin small letter S with caron
Ţ&354;ŢU+00162Latin capital letter T with cedilla
ţ&355;ţU+00163Latin small letter T with cedilla
Ť&356;ŤU+00164Latin capital letter T with caron
ť&357;ťU+00165Latin small letter T with caron
Ŧ&358;ŦU+00166Latin capital letter T with stroke
ŧ&359;ŧU+00167Latin small letter T with stroke
Ũ&360;ŨU+00168Latin capital letter U with tilde
ũ&361;ũU+00169Latin small letter U with tilde
Ū&362;ŪU+0016ALatin capital letter U with macron
ū&363;ūU+0016BLatin small letter U with macron
Ŭ&364;ŬU+0016CLatin capital letter U with breve
ŭ&365;ŭU+0016DLatin small letter U with breve
Ů&366;ŮU+0016ELatin capital letter U with ring above
ů&367;ůU+0016FLatin small letter U with ring above
Ű&368;ŰU+00170Latin capital letter U with double acute
ű&369;űU+00171Latin small letter U with double acute
Ų&370;ŲU+00172Latin capital letter U with ogonek
ų&371;ųU+00173Latin small letter U with ogonek
Ŵ&372;ŴU+00174Latin capital letter W with circumflex
ŵ&373;ŵU+00175Latin small letter W with circumflex
Ŷ&374;ŶU+00176Latin capital letter Y with circumflex
ŷ&375;ŷU+00177Latin small letter Y with circumflex
Ÿ&376;ŸU+00178Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
Ź&377;ŹU+00179Latin capital letter Z with acute
ź&378;źU+0017ALatin small letter Z with acute
Ż&379;ŻU+0017BLatin capital letter Z with dot above
ż&380;żU+0017CLatin small letter Z with dot above
Ž&381;ŽU+0017DLatin capital letter Z with caron
ž&382;žU+0017ELatin small letter Z with caron
ſ&383;-U+0017FLatin Small letter long S