Unicode - Mathematical Operators (U+02200 - U+022FF)
SymbolHTML CodeHTML entity nameUnicodeDescription
∀∀U+02200For all
∂∂U+02202Partial differential
∃∃U+02203There exists
∄∄U+02204There does not exist
∅∅U+02205Empty set
∆- U+02206Increment
∈∈U+02208Element of
∉∉U+02209Not an element of
∊- U+0220ASmall element of
∋∋U+0220BContains as member
∌∌U+0220CDoes not contain as member
∍- U+0220DSmall contains as member
∎- U+0220EEnd of proof
∏∏U+0220FN-ary product
∐∐U+02210N-ary coproduct
∑∑U+02211N-ary summation
−−U+02212Minus sign
∓∓U+02213Minus-or-plus sign
∔∔U+02214Dot plus
∕- U+02215Division slash
∖∖U+02216Set minus
∗∗U+02217Asterisk operator
∘∘U+02218Ring operator
∙- U+02219Bullet operator
√√U+0221ASquare root
∛- U+0221BCube root
∜- U+0221CFourth root
∝∝U+0221DProportional to
∟∟U+0221FRight angle
∡∡U+02221Measured angle
∢∢U+02222Spherical angle
∤∤U+02224Does not divide
∥∥U+02225Parallel to
∦∦U+02226Not parallel to
∧∧U+02227Logical AND
∨∨U+02228Logical OR
∬∬U+0222CDouble integral
∭∭U+0222DTriple integral
∮∮U+0222EContour integral
∯∯U+0222FSurface integral
∰∰U+02230Volume integral
∱∱U+02231Clockwise integral
∲∲U+02232Clockwise contour integral
∳∳U+02233Anticlockwise contour integral
∸∸U+02238Dot minus
∹- U+02239Excess
∺∺U+0223AGeometric proportion
∼∼U+0223CTilde operator
∽∽U+0223DReversed tilde
∾∾U+0223EInverted lazy S
∿∿U+0223FSine wave
≀≀U+02240Wreath product
≁≁U+02241Not tilde
≂≂U+02242Minus tilde
≃≃U+02243Asymptotically equal to
≄≄U+02244Not asymptotically equal to
≅≅U+02245Approximately equal to
≆≆U+02246Approximately but not actually equal to
≇≇U+02247Neither approximately nor actually equal to
≈≈U+02248Almost equal to
≉≉U+02249Not almost equal to
≊≊U+0224AAlmost equal or equal to
≋≋U+0224BTriple tilde
≌≌U+0224CAll equal to
≍≍U+0224DEquivalent to
≎≎U+0224EGeometrically equivalent to
≏≏U+0224FDifference between
≐≐U+02250Approaches the limit
≑≑U+02251Geometrically equal to
≒≒U+02252Approximately equal to or the image of
≓≓U+02253Image of or approximately equal to
≔≔U+02254Colon equals
≕≕U+02255Equals colon
≖≖U+02256Ring in equal to
≗≗U+02257Ring equal to
≘- U+02258Corresponds to
≚≚U+0225AEquiangular to
≛- U+0225BStar equals
≜≜U+0225CDelta equal to
≝- U+0225DEqual to by definition
≞- U+0225EMeasured by
≟≟U+0225FQuestioned equal to
≠≠U+02260Not equal to
≡≡U+02261Identical to
≢≢U+02262Not identical to
≣- U+02263Strictly equivalent to
≤≤U+02264Less-than or equal to
≥≥U+02265Greater-than or equal to
≦≦U+02266Less-than over equal to
≧≧U+02267Greater-than over equal to
≨≨U+02268Less-than but not equal to
≩≩U+02269Greater-than but not equal to
≪≪U+0226AMuch less-than
≫≫U+0226BMuch greater-than
≭≭U+0226DNot equivalent to
≮≮U+0226ENot less-than
≯≯U+0226FNot greater-than
≰≰U+02270Neither less-than nor equal to
≱≱U+02271Neither greater-than nor equal to
≲≲U+02272Less-than or equivalent to
≳≳U+02273Greater-than or equivalent to
≴≴U+02274Neither less-than nor equivalent to
≵≵U+02275Neither greater-than nor equivalent to
≶≶U+02276Less-than or greater-than
≷≷U+02277Greater-than or less-than
≸≸U+02278Neither less-than nor greater-than
≹≹U+02279Neither greater-than nor less-than
≼≼U+0227CPrecedes or equal to
≽≽U+0227DSucceeds or equal to
≾≾U+0227EPrecedes or equivalent to
≿≿U+0227FSucceeds or equivalent to
⊀⊀U+02280Does not precede
⊁⊁U+02281Does not succeed
⊂⊂U+02282Subset of
⊃⊃U+02283Superset of
⊄⊄U+02284Not a subset of
⊅⊅U+02285Not a superset of
⊆⊆U+02286Subset of or equal to
⊇⊇U+02287Superset of or equal to
⊈⊈U+02288Neither a subset of nor equal to
⊉⊉U+02289Neither a superset of nor equal to
⊊⊊U+0228ASubset of with not equal to
⊋⊋U+0228BSuperset of with not equal to
⊌- U+0228CMultiset
⊍⊍U+0228DMultiset multiplication
⊎⊎U+0228EMultiset union
⊏⊏U+0228FSquare image of
⊐⊐U+02290Square original of
⊑⊑U+02291Square image of or equal to
⊒⊒U+02292Square original of or equal to
⊓⊓U+02293Square cap
⊔⊔U+02294Square cup
⊕⊕U+02295Circled plus
⊖⊖U+02296Circled minus
⊗⊗U+02297Circled times
⊘⊘U+02298Circled division slash
⊙⊙U+02299Circled dot operator
⊚⊚U+0229ACircled ring operator
⊛⊛U+0229BCircled asterisk operator
⊜- U+0229CCircled equals
⊝⊝U+0229DCircled dash
⊞⊞U+0229ESquared plus
⊟⊟U+0229FSquared minus
⊠⊠U+022A0Squared times
⊡⊡U+022A1Squared dot operator
⊢⊢U+022A2Right tack
⊣⊣U+022A3Left tack
⊤⊤U+022A4Down tack
⊥⊥U+022A5Up tack
⊦- U+022A6Assertion
⊪⊪U+022AATriple vertical bar right turnstile
⊫⊫U+022ABDouble vertical bar double right turnstile
⊬⊬U+022ACDoes not prove
⊭⊭U+022ADNot true
⊮⊮U+022AEDoes not force
⊯⊯U+022AFNegated double vertical bar double right turnstile
⊰⊰U+022B0Precedes under relation
⊱- U+022B1Succeeds under relation
⊲⊲U+022B2Normal subgroup of
⊳⊳U+022B3Contains as normal subgroup
⊴⊴U+022B4Normal subgroup of or equal to
⊵⊵U+022B5Contains as normal subgroup or equal to
⊶⊶U+022B6Original of
⊷⊷U+022B7Image of
⊹⊹U+022B9Hermitian conjugate matrix
⊼- U+022BCNAND
⊾⊾U+022BERight angle with arc
⊿⊿U+022BFRight triangle
⋀⋀U+022C0N-ary logical AND
⋁⋁U+022C1N-ary logicaL OR
⋂⋂U+022C2N-ary intersection
⋃⋃U+022C3N-ary union
⋄⋄U+022C4Diamond operator
⋅⋅U+022C5Dot operator
⋆⋆U+022C6Star operator
⋇⋇U+022C7Division times
⋉⋉U+022C9Left normal factor semidirect product
⋊⋊U+022CARight normal factor semidirect product
⋋⋋U+022CBLeft semidirect product
⋌⋌U+022CCRight semidirect product
⋍⋍U+022CDReversed tilde equals
⋎⋎U+022CECurly logical OR
⋏⋏U+022CFCurly logical AND
⋐⋐U+022D0Double subset
⋑⋑U+022D1Double superset
⋒⋒U+022D2Double intersection
⋓⋓U+022D3Double union
⋕⋕U+022D5Equal and parallel to
⋖⋖U+022D6Less-than with dot
⋗⋗U+022D7Greater-than with dot
⋘⋘U+022D8Very much less-than
⋙⋙U+022D9Very much greater-than
⋚⋚U+022DALess-than equal to or greater-than
⋛⋛U+022DBGreater-than equal to or less-than
⋜- U+022DCEqual to or less-than
⋝- U+022DDEqual to or greater-than
⋞⋞U+022DEEqual to or precedes
⋟⋟U+022DFEqual to or succeeds
⋠⋠U+022E0Does not precede or equal
⋡⋡U+022E1Does not succeed or equal
⋢⋢U+022E2Not square image of or equal to
⋣⋣U+022E3Not square original of or equal to
⋤- U+022E4Square image of or not equal to
⋥- U+022E5Square original of or not equal to
⋦⋦U+022E6Less-than but not equivalent to
⋧⋧U+022E7Greater-than but not equivalent to
⋨⋨U+022E8Precedes but not equivalent to
⋩⋩U+022E9Succeeds but not equivalent to
⋪⋪U+022EANot normal subgroup of
⋫⋫U+022EBDoes not contain as normal subgroup
⋬⋬U+022ECNot normal subgroup of or equal to
⋭⋭U+022EDDoes not contain as normal subgroup or equal
⋮⋮U+022EEVertical ellipsis
⋯⋯U+022EFMidline horizontal ellipsis
⋰⋰U+022F0Up right diagonal ellipsis
⋱⋱U+022F1Down right diagonal ellipsis
⋲⋲U+022F2Element of with long horizontal stroke
⋳⋳U+022F3Element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
⋴⋴U+022F4Small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
⋵⋵U+022F5Element of with dot above
⋶⋶U+022F6Element of with overbar
⋷⋷U+022F7Small element of with overbar
⋸- U+022F8Element of with underbar
⋹⋹U+022F9Element of with two horizontal strokes
⋺⋺U+022FAContains with long horizontal stroke
⋻⋻U+022FBContains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
⋼⋼U+022FCSmall contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
⋽⋽U+022FDContains with overbar
⋾⋾U+022FESmall contains with overbar
⋿- U+022FFZ notation bag membership