Unicode - Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (U+027C0 - U+027EF)
SymbolHTML CodeHTML entity nameUnicodeDescription
⟀-U+027C0Three dimensional angle
⟁-U+027C1White triangle containing small white triangle
⟃-U+027C3Open subset
⟄-U+027C4Open superset
⟅-U+027C5Left s-shaped bag delimiter
⟆-U+027C6Right s-shaped bag delimiter
⟇-U+027C7Or with dot inside
⟈⟈U+027C8Reverse solidus preceding subset
⟉⟉U+027C9Superset preceding solidus
⟊-U+027CAVertical bar with horizontal stroke
⟋-U+027CBMathematical rising diagonal
⟌-U+027CCLong division
⟍-U+027CDMathematical falling diagonal
⟎-U+027CESquared logical and
⟏-U+027CFSquared logical or
⟐-U+027D0White diamond with centered dot
⟑-U+027D1And with dot
⟒-U+027D2Element of opening upward
⟓-U+027D3Lower right corner with dot
⟔-U+027D4Upper left corner with dot
⟕-U+027D5Left outer join
⟖-U+027D6Right outer join
⟗-U+027D7Full outer join
⟘-U+027D8Large up tack
⟙-U+027D9Large down tack
⟚-U+027DALeft and right double turnstile
⟛-U+027DBLeft and right tack
⟜-U+027DCLeft multimap
⟝-U+027DDLong right tack
⟞-U+027DELong left tack
⟟-U+027DFUp tack with circle above
⟠-U+027E0Lozenge divided by horizontal rule
⟡-U+027E1White concave-sided diamond
⟢-U+027E2White concave-sided diamond with leftward tick
⟣-U+027E3White concave-sided diamond with rightward tick
⟤-U+027E4White square with leftward tick
⟥-U+027E5White square with rightward tick
⟦⟦U+027E6Mathematical left white square bracket
⟧⟧U+027E7Mathematical right white square bracket
⟨⟨U+027E8Mathematical left angle bracket
⟩⟩U+027E9Mathematical right angle bracket
⟪⟪U+027EAMathematical left double angle bracket
⟫⟫U+027EBMathematical right double angle bracket
⟬⟬U+027ECMathematical left white tortoise shell bracket
⟭⟭U+027EDMathematical right white tortoise shell bracket
⟮-U+027EEMathematical left flattened parenthesis
⟯-U+027EFMathematical right flattened parenthesis