Unicode - Miscellaneous Symbols (U+02600 - U+026FF)
SymbolHTML CodeHTML entity nameUnicodeDescription
☀-U+02600Black sun with rays
★★U+02605Black star
☆☆U+02606White star
☊-U+0260AAscending node
☋-U+0260BDescending node
☎☎U+0260EBlack telephone
☏-U+0260FWhite telephone
☐-U+02610Ballot box
☑-U+02611Ballot box with check
☒-U+02612Ballot box with X
☔-U+02614Umbrella with raindrops
☕-U+02615Hot beverage
☖-U+02616White shogi piece
☗-U+02617Black shogi piece
☙-U+02619Reversed rotated floral heart bullet
☚-U+0261ABlack left pointing index
☛-U+0261BBlack right pointing index
☜-U+0261CWhite left pointing index
☝-U+0261DWhite up pointing index
☞-U+0261EWhite right pointing index
☟-U+0261FWhite down pointing index
☠-U+02620Skull and crossbones
☡-U+02621Caution sign
☢-U+02622Radioactive sign
☣-U+02623Biohazard sign
☦-U+02626Orthodox cross
☧-U+02627Chi Rho
☨-U+02628Cross of Lorraine
☩-U+02629Cross of Jerusalem
☪-U+0262AStar and crescent
☫-U+0262BFarsi symbol
☬-U+0262CAdi shakti
☭-U+0262DHammer and sickle
☮-U+0262EPeace symbol
☯-U+0262FYin yang
☰-U+02630Trigram for Heaven
☱-U+02631Trigram for Lake
☲-U+02632Trigram for Fire
☳-U+02633Trigram for Thunder
☴-U+02634Trigram for Wind
☵-U+02635Trigram for Water
☶-U+02636Trigram for Mountain
☷-U+02637Trigram for Earth
☸-U+02638Wheel of Dharma
☹-U+02639White frowning face
☺-U+0263AWhite smiling face
☻-U+0263BBlack smiling face
☼-U+0263CWhite sun with rays
☽-U+0263DFirst quarter moon
☾-U+0263ELast quarter moon
♔-U+02654White chess king
♕-U+02655White chess queen
♖-U+02656White chess rook
♗-U+02657White chess bishop
♘-U+02658White chess knight
♙-U+02659White chess pawn
♚-U+0265ABlack chess king
♛-U+0265BBlack chess queen
♜-U+0265CBlack chess rook
♝-U+0265DBlack chess bishop
♞-U+0265EBlack chess knight
♟-U+0265FBlack chess pawn
♠♠U+02660Black spade suit
♡-U+02661White heart suit
♢-U+02662White diamond suit
♣♣U+02663Black club suit
♤-U+02664White spade suit
♥♥U+02665Black heart suit
♦♦U+02666Black diamond suit
♧-U+02667White club suit
♨-U+02668Hot springs
♩-U+02669Quarter note
♪♪U+0266AEighth note
♫-U+0266BBeamed eighth notes
♬-U+0266CBeamed sixteenth notes
♭♭U+0266DMusic flat sign
♮♮U+0266EMusic natural sign
♯♯U+0266FMusic sharp sign
♰-U+02670West Syriac cross
♱-U+02671East Syriac cross
♲-U+02672Universal recycling symbol
♳-U+02673Recycling symbol for type-1 plastics
♴-U+02674Recycling symbol for type-2 plastics
♵-U+02675Recycling symbol for type-3 plastics
♶-U+02676Recycling symbol for type-4 plastics
♷-U+02677Recycling symbol for type-5 plastics
♸-U+02678Recycling symbol for type-6 plastics
♹-U+02679Recycling symbol for type-7 plastics
♺-U+0267ARecycling symbol for generic materials
♻-U+0267BBlack universal recycling symbol
♼-U+0267CRecycled paper symbol
♽-U+0267DPartially-recycled paper symbol
♾-U+0267EPermanent paper sign
♿-U+0267FWheelchair symbol
⚀-U+02680Die face-1
⚁-U+02681Die face-2
⚂-U+02682Die face-3
⚃-U+02683Die face-4
⚄-U+02684Die face-5
⚅-U+02685Die face-6
⚆-U+02686White circle with dot right
⚇-U+02687White circle with two dots
⚈-U+02688Black circle with white dot right
⚉-U+02689Black circle with two white dots
⚊-U+0268AMonogram for yang
⚋-U+0268BMonogram for yin
⚌-U+0268CDigram for greater yang
⚍-U+0268DDigram for lesser yin
⚎-U+0268EDigram for lesser yang
⚏-U+0268FDigram for greater yin
⚐-U+02690White flag
⚑-U+02691Black flag
⚒-U+02692Hammer and pick
⚔-U+02694Crossed swords
⚕-U+02695Rod of Asclepius
⚚-U+0269AStaff of Hermes
⚛-U+0269BAtom symbol
⚝-U+0269DOutlined white star
⚞-U+0269EThree lines converging right
⚟-U+0269FThree lines converging left
⚠-U+026A0Warning sign
⚡-U+026A1High voltage sign
⚢-U+026A2Doubled female sign
⚣-U+026A3Doubled male sign
⚤-U+026A4Interlocked female and male sign
⚥-U+026A5Male and female sign
⚦-U+026A6Male with stroke sign
⚧-U+026A7Male with stroke and male and female sign
⚨-U+026A8Vertical male with stroke sign
⚩-U+026A9Horizontal male with stroke sign
⚪-U+026AAMedium white circle
⚫-U+026ABMedium black circle
⚬-U+026ACMedium small white circle
⚭-U+026ADMarriage symbol
⚮-U+026AEDivorce symbol
⚯-U+026AFUnmarried partnership symbol
⚱-U+026B1Funeral urn
⚸-U+026B8Black moon Lilith
⚿-U+026BFSquared key
⛀-U+026C0White draughts man
⛁-U+026C1White draughts king
⛂-U+026C2Black draughts man
⛃-U+026C3Black draughts king
⛄-U+026C4Snowman without snow
⛅-U+026C5Sun behind cloud
⛇-U+026C7Black snowman
⛈-U+026C8Thunder cloud and rain
⛉-U+026C9Turned white shogi piece
⛊-U+026CATurned black shogi piece
⛋-U+026CBWhite diamond in square
⛌-U+026CCCrossing lanes
⛍-U+026CDDisabled car
⛐-U+026D0Car sliding
⛑-U+026D1Helmet with white cross
⛒-U+026D2Circled crossing lanes
⛔-U+026D4No entry
⛕-U+026D5Alternate one-way left way traffic
⛖-U+026D6Black two-way left way traffic
⛗-U+026D7White two-way left way traffic
⛘-U+026D8Black left lane merge
⛙-U+026D9White left lane merge
⛚-U+026DADrive slow sign
⛛-U+026DBHeavy white down-pointing triangle
⛜-U+026DCLeft closed entry
⛝-U+026DDSquared saltire
⛞-U+026DEFalling diagonal in white circle in black square
⛟-U+026DFBlack truck
⛠-U+026E0Restricted left entry-1
⛡-U+026E1Restricted left entry-2
⛢-U+026E2Astronomical symbol for Uranus
⛣-U+026E3Heavy circle with stroke and two dots above
⛥-U+026E5Right-handed interlaced pentagram
⛦-U+026E6Left-handed interlaced pentagram
⛧-U+026E7Inverted pentagram
⛨-U+026E8Black cross on shield
⛩-U+026E9Shinto shrine
⛬-U+026ECHistoric site
⛭-U+026EDGear without hub
⛮-U+026EEGear with handles
⛯-U+026EFMap symbol for lighthouse
⛱-U+026F1Umbrella on ground
⛳-U+026F3Flag in hole
⛶-U+026F6Square four corners
⛸-U+026F8Ice skate
⛹-U+026F9Person with ball
⛻-U+026FBJapanese bank symbol
⛼-U+026FCHeadstone graveyard symbol
⛽-U+026FDFuel pump
⛾-U+026FECup on black square
⛿-U+026FFWhite flag with horizontal middle black stripe